Environmental Assessments

Environmental Assessments (EAs) and Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) continue to be an important component of both small-scale and large-scale projects and may be triggered at the municipal, provincial and/or federal levels for a variety of reasons.

At the municipal level, EAs may be simply referenced as:

  • Sensitive Ecosystem Inventory (SEI)
  • Biophysical and Sensitive Habitat Evaluation (SHE)
  • Significant Natural Features (SNF) Assessment

At the provincial level, major projects that are triggered under the Reviewable Projects Regulation are routed through the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) and regulated under the B.C. Environmental Assessment Act (BCEAA). Federal projects, including in-stream works, are triggered through the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA).

AquaTerra personnel have received formal training by CEAA staff and have completed numerous CEAA Screening reports. As well, we have been involved in joint BCEAA/CEAA initiatives and have completed EAs for a variety of largescale construction and development projects throughout BC. Clients include the federal and provincial governments, municipalities, Metro Vancouver (GVRD), Independent Power Producers (IPPs), Harbour Authorities, Non-Profit Groups, Engineering Firms, and Landscape Architecture Firms.

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