In-Stream and Emergency Works Approvals

AquaTerra personnel have historically worked at Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and are proficient in attaining provincial and federal government approvals for in-stream works (e.g., culvert installation, watercourse crossing or utility installations, temporary water diversions, bank stabilization works, etc.) to move a given project forward. In addition to filling out the necessary applications in a timely manner, work also involves liaising with regulatory personnel at key junctures, evaluating site-specific opportunities for habitat compensation and adhering to sound environmental Best Management Practices (BMPs).

Municipal Environmental Review Committee (ERC) and Habitat Review Panel (HRP) meetings are often a component of approval. AquaTerra personnel have a good working relationship with many of the regulators at the municipal, provincial and federal levels and will work on your behalf to expedite the processes involved.

Periodically, flooding, infrastructure damage or erosion can result in ‘emergency works’. AquaTerra personnel have experience in rapidly preparing the required project documentation, holding emergency site meetings, and liaising with appropriate regulatory personnel to allow emergency works to proceed without delay.

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